Name TESTATOR’S DETAILS Full name: Is the Testator a South African citizen? Yes No Gender? Male Female Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Does the Testator have minor children: Yes No EXECUTOR’S DETAILS Would you like to appoint Nordien Law Incorporated as the Executor of the your estate: Yes No Is the Executor a South African citizen: Yes No In the event that the above Executor predeceases the Testator or repudiates the appointment, who would you like to appoint as an alternative Executor: Is the alternative Executor a South African citizen: Yes No Would you like to make any special bequests of specific assets or items to a particular person: Yes No Who would you like to bequeath the property to? Full name: Is the Heir a South African citizen: Yes No Would you like to bequeath any other assets or items to specific heirs: Yes No Description of asset / item: Details of heir that will inherit the asset: Full name: Is the Heir a South African citizen: Yes No BENEFICIARY DETAILS Is the Beneficiary a natural person or juristic person (e.g. trust, cc, company)? Natural Person Juristic Person Full name: Is the Beneficiary a South African citizen: Yes No Nationality: Passport Number: Full name: Is the Beneficiary a South African citizen: Yes No Is the Beneficiary a minor: Yes No Please provide the full name of the entity: Registration Number: TRUSTEES’ DETAILS Full name: Is the Trustee a South African citizen: Yes No Occupation: Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Does the Trustee have knowledge and previous experience in respect of administering a trust? Yes No