WILL & TESTAMENT ONLINE APPLICATION Name TESTATOR’S DETAILS Full name: Is the Testator a South African citizen? Yes No Gender: Male Female Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Same as residential address Yes No Does the Testator have minor children? Yes No EXECUTOR’S DETAILS Would you like to appoint Nordien Law Incorporated as the Executor of the your estate? Yes No Would you like to make any special bequests of specific assets or items to a particular person? Yes No Would you like to add a additional asset/Item Yes No BENEFICIARY DETAILS Is the Beneficiary a natural person or juristic person (e.g. trust, cc, company) Natural person Juristic person TRUSTEES’ DETAILS Full name: Is the Trustee a South African citizen? Yes No Occupation: Phone (W): Phone (H): Mobile: E-mail: Residential Address: Postal Code: Same as residential address: Yes No Does the Trustee have knowledge and previous experience in respect of administering a trust? Y/N Yes No